viernes, 28 de marzo de 2014

Recreation therapist
Duties and responsibilities:
Ever think about the connection between health and recreation? Consider this: children cope better with being hospitalized when given a chance to play. People recovering from physical injuries or adapting to disabilities stay healthier longer when they are physically and socially active. Older adults maintain a sharper mind and a higher level of social involvement when they recreate. Therapeutic Recreation is an occupation that takes play and recreation very seriously.

 $32,250 $52,560.

IT IS an established health related profession committed to promoting the connection between health and recreation involvement. It has a unique role in the health and human service system to promote play, recreation and leisure as a means to psychological and physical recovery

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recreational therapist


Therapeutic recreation is an exciting helping profession. It might be a good fit for you if you are interested in a health-related career and you have a strong interest in helping individuals with chronic illnesses and disabling conditions, especially through socially and physically active recreation.

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