miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Even for someone like me, who thinks about and writes about positivity on an almost daily basis, having a positive attitude is not always easy.
I still sometimes see the world through a negative perspective, focusing on the bad and ignoring the good — especially when things aren’t going the way I had hoped. As I’ve been struggling with this lately, I’ve been reminding myself that it really is possible to change my perspective.
1.    It is looking adversity in the eye… and laughing.
2.    Getting what you get, and not pitching a fit.
3.    Enjoying the unexpected, even when it’s not what you wanted originally.
4.    Motivating those around you with a positive word.
5.    Using the power of a smile to reverse the tone of a situation.
6.    Being friendly to those you don’t know

1.   Look on the brighter side of things. Stop telling yourself things always go wrong for you and nothing will be any better. Try telling yourself things are better and will continue

Duties and responsibilities:
A periodontist salary is right up there with some of the highest in the health professions. It is however important to note that, although those practicing in urban areas might earn much more than their counterparts in suburban or rural areas, the cost of living in these areas is very high. As such aperiodontist salary in an urban area might not have the same reaching power as that of someone working in a rural area.
 $100,000 $190,000 
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All periodontists must attend an accredited dental school. They are then required to undertake a 3 years post graduate program in periodontics. They then need to get licensed in order to practice.

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

Dental technician
Duties and Responsibilities:
Each technician makes the restoration will be different and each must simulate the function of the teeth naturally. But, beyond That, the technician's great challenge is to capture and recreate Both the perfection and the imperfection of the natural teeth.

$ 25 - $ 50,000

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Dentistry and dental laboratory technology Have Been, are and will continue to be ever-changing fields of endeavor Interrelated. Both health and aesthetics will continue to be driving forces in the Continuing development of dentistry.

As we move further onward into the 21st century, we see a period of steady growth and true promise in dentistry and dental laboratory sales. There will be no decline in the demand for dental services, the demand will grow rather.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

1. give money to people that need it.
2. giving clothes and blankests the homeless.
3. giving water that needs it.
4. giving food to the homeless
5. helping people that need it the most
6. giving hospitality
7. let people sit in the bus is you feet that they need to.
8. hold the door open for someone
9. give someone a compliment
10. call a family member you dont see often
11. plant a tree
12. smile at someone
13. help the enviroment
14. wave someone
15. give a flower to someone
Student success statement
Visualization imagination:
what you see is what you get
exactamente loque ves eso eres y eso podras otener y como te trata la vida asi a prendes y asi las personas maduran dela menten pero no todas maduran ahi personas que no aprenden de los golpes dela vida que teda :

Diagnostic medical sonography utilizes high frequency sound waves to produce dynamic visual images of organs, tissues, or blood flow inside the body. These images aid physicians in their diagnosis of the patient.
$95,000 $67,000

Diagnostic medical sonography utilizes high frequency sound waves to produce dynamic visual images of organs, tissues, or blood flow inside the body. These images aid physicians in their diagnosis of the patient.



An ultrasound technician is a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer. An ultrasound is a form of medical imaging that uses penetrative sound waves to produce images of a patient’s insides. The images produced is used to diagnose diseases and for other purpose such as obtaining an image of your unborn baby.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

for me :)

Student success statement
Manners maketh man

Always manners maketh man dela shock Because life will think more Mature ace menten Because there we kiss tartan wrong and so we turn to dela life and so we can think more and mature

William of Wykeham
Environmental health specialist-sanitarian
Duties and Responsibilities:
The letter must include dates of supervision and is Whether full-time or part-time employment. Supervision Shall be provided by an environmental health specialist or to a licensed sanitarian or health professional, or an engineer or other professional with a graduate degree in one of the physical or biological sciences, or other person Whom the commissioner Deems have equivalent environmental health background

$ 25,000 - $ 50,000


Should students take preparatory courses collage, Especially in mathematics and science, high school During 
a career as a sanitarian or environmental health specialists requires a minimum of a bachelors degree in environmental health or environmental engineering. Many jobs require certification and / or a masters degree in these, You or related fields
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Applicants Who Have Their registrations permitted to expire for more than two years May regain Their registration When They successfully complete the registration examination, complete continuing education requirements, and submit the required renewal forms and fees